About favorite songs, nice discoveries, a life without ears and how was Playboy written. Talking with Vladyslav Fisun
About favorite songs, nice discoveries, a life without ears and how was Playboy written. Talking with Vladyslav Fisun. You will definitely want to add these tracks to your library!
What would life be like without music?
If we imagine our life completely without music, then it would be without ears as well. In fact, music is an integral element of the nature's voice. If you look into the sources, you can see that the music depends much on which sounds surround the person.
In primitive times, instruments were reproducing the sounds of nature. Now, as a post-industrial society, we imitate the sounds of electronics, industry and things like that. Music is one of the images of consciousness.
If it's about me personally, we wouldn't be talking to each other here without music.
What is your favorite sound?
It may sound trivial, but it's the sound of a drop in a cave.
How many records do you have?
I cannot really give an accurate answer to this question. We've been counting it with our fingers recently. There are five thousand already.
How much money do you spend on records per month?
It depends. It is difficult to calculate the exact amount. There can be one record a week for $80, while there can also be gifts or dozens of not much expensive releases. In average, the collection grows at 20-30 records a month.
What was your most recent valuable purchase?
I'm glad I got the Beady Belle album; I really like the record of the Australian project Confidence Man, which I had a chance to listen live this year. I really like that now I've got a lot of the music of the early 90's.
And what is your main treasure in human terms?
I began to meditate regularly.
Do you listen to music while eating?
I have lunch with music, but I don't like eating listening to the live music.
Where was the best play?
There cannot be a clear answer. I love the different places where it happened. It was great to play at Burning Man.
How about home parties?
There was a funny story: every six months, two expats who most likely don't live in Kiev now, were having a home party. One was from Canada and the other one was from Brazil. It was an ordinary high-rise, but they warned all the neighbors about the party. The neighbors in their house understood this, but the residents of the neighboring houses did not. And once, at 3 o'clock in the morning, the police arrived. At this party, there was also a friend of mine who played the role of M.C there and he was running throughout the apartment with a microphone. Then he gets up at the door and says, "And now - our beloved Police!" He opens the door, and see the shocked policemen, they did not expect this.
Home parties are cool! Sometimes they turned into home concerts.
The coolest party in Kiev right now?
The LOW, for me personally. Serial parties are not always good, as many are consciously using the kitch.
And what's about SKHEMA?
SKHEMA is not a kitch. It's rather angular, introverted, but sincere event.
But is it still IN?
Yes, it is. But it opened something, and something went on. When they consistently say that "here, something has started in the city," you keep silent on your side and think: "for you - it started." I find it interesting to interact with zero-generation DJs or the 90s, sometimes these stories are similar to what they are now and sometimes not at all.
How to start DJing?
How to start drawing? Just take a pencil and draw. But in reality, listen to the DJ you like, create a playlist in his style.
How to clean up after a party?
To feel okay during the party too!
Also, a contrast shower can help, and do not continue the doping you used during the party. Well, a lot of water - inside and out.
Is there any beauty product you use regularly?
The amazing face cream my girl gave me. It has a magic effect! Especially those 3 times a week when I don't forget to apply it. I can't exactly remember the name, it is something niche.
Do you believe in masks "after parties"?
Most likely.
How much hair does it cost to make a good festival?
None. Quiet, peaceful work, a minimum of emotions and a maximum of structure. The main thing – do not depend on factors.
Preparing for this year's Atlas Weekend in one word?
Cats or dogs?
Call or message?
Do you read work emails on weekends?
Everybody has got their special playlists. What is your most unusual special playlist?
My favorite is the surf. I have a friend who comes to me with a bottle of rum, citrus fruits, a candle on the balcony and I have a feeling of being on the beach and not at home.
For me, in general, the concept of "unusual music" is absent.
It's more about the situation here.
Oh, now I like to fall into the ambient. It's the kind of music that sucks out what bothers you.
I write listening to ASMR. Do you do something similar?
When I was writing a lot, I listened to reissued archives of Columbia. Refined music from the 50s-60s. Swing, bugal, tiki culture, bossa. It inspired me and the Playboy editors.
Madonna, Kylie or Britney?
Kylie, she has the most self-deprecating humor. She always had the ability and strength to laugh at herself.
Madonna, for example, did something like this: she got a good sound producer who created the sound of tomorrow for her. What Stuart Price came with her is an incredible moment after which the artist disappears.
The most important song in your life?
The one I want to turn on and never turn off.
Which song has the most memories you want to remember?
Walkabout – Red Hot Chili Pepper
What will you have for breakfast tomorrow?
I'm hoping to have cheese pancakes. I always hope for that.
Which song can bring back hope?
If it suddenly disappears, you should pay attention to any of Royksopp's first album.
Who has had the coolest OST lately?
I watched Get Out yesterday and there is an amazing soundtrack! You may find a song composer and a music advisor in the credits. Most likely, the second one was the most important.
When considering the contemporary composers, who's cooler: Philip Glass or Hans Zimmer?
I think Zimmer works in layers and he is not a composer. And Glass writes music.
What is the color of Childish Gambino?
It has the color of watered down coffee. That's not news to me.
What about Kendrick?
Especially! These are all conjuncture artists. Gambino has a school of musical, and Kendrick has a pop school.
Is Kanye cool?
To someone apparently. For me he is a little boy. I am not interested in this music, it is secondary and it carries nothing. Stupid words.
There are many ironic beauty images of famous men. Who would you take as an example?