Which brand do you wear most often?
Everything is extremely democratic: mass-market (Massimo Dutti, Roy Robson), and of the most "single things" - it is individual tailoring. it is so cool when you reward yourself.
Are you a fan of the approach of rewarding yourself with material things?
In general, I have a quite traditional approach to money, it is more of pensioners: up to 50% is setting aside, saved and invested. Then you can spend what is left. It includes rewarding yourself for the efforts you make to earn money.
How can I teach myself to save at least 30%?
If you do not have a wife who does this for you, you should have a card account that is automatically charged this amount.
That means to hide from yourself?
If to choose from the hypest brands, what do you wear, Balenciaga or Vetements?
I do not keep track of fashion weeks, for me it is more likely to be associated with long queues of Asian tourists in any major department store. It is better to keep an eye on some small local brands that appear in Ukraine. For example, Ted Baker. Balenciaga ... With their wide shapes and ugly sneakers, it's not mine.
Are you a person of offline or online shopping?
Offline. I can buy some simple items online if I know what that looks like for sure. In general, I need to touch, breathe in the smell, try it on…
Cats or dogs?
Dogs. A friend can be small, true, big ... And he is faithful. A reliable ally. And cats - they are always on their own and not predicted. I do not like unpredictability.
How do you feel about rumors and intrigues about yourself related to personal issues, and not to the working moments?
If it is a work related criticism, I accept it since it makes sense because you can grow. And let personal be personal.
Let's say you have a choice: to expose a friend who is a valuable employee but he had committed misconduct or to cover for him? What will you choose?
I discipline and encourage all of my valuable employees by myself. And this is work without long-term loyalty. Just over time, patience is getting stronger.
Have you had moments when you were tired of believing in people, in the good tomorrow, the good today?
Of course, those are the minutes of depression.
How is it going with you? Because it doesn't happen to everyone, and it happens differently. They don't usually talk about this in public, but let's try.
This happens periodically. I have a workaholic nature and with this workaholism I get to infect others. And when it doesn't work out as fast and as well as I want, the "self-torture room" begins. But there is an outlet for me - my family.
Does your family judge you for hard work?
Sometimes, but I try to find a balance. We discuss how and why I work and what we have to do with it.
Don't you think this is not fair to you: explaining something that should be obvious. I mean, you do this for their benefit as well?
No, everything is pretty clear about that and I don't neglect it, even if it sounds a bit cynical. We have certain benefits, because I live my life in a certain way. Everyone understands it, everyone is grateful.
What was the last book you read?
Now I'm reading "The first player to prepare."
Why such an obvious popular-science film in the context of the movie premiere calendar?
Because I was at a concert of Polozhynsky, he advised me to read the book before watching the movie.
And what is your favorite book? If you can access to one book only.
It's a fantasy, Henry Lion Oldie, "The Hero Must Die." I'm still re-reading it. I have a plan for reading new books, but my inner autist makes me read old texts, it soothes me a lot.
In "Anna Karenina", are you Karenin or Vronsky?
Vronsky or Levin?
What's so special about Vronsky?
Passion, adventurism. I am quite a calm person, even phlegmatic, but behind this lies an inner passion.
Do you have a sympathy for Anna?
No, everyone pays for what they have done. Now, by the way, I'm still reading The Time of Berezovsky, and this book works better than business books!